Submission Format : On Stage Performance

Language: English

Task - Finetune the project you have built for this competition, add more features with the mentorship of Lead Team. Present your solution on stage.


  • 1. Save the Environment: Design a project where characters take actions to save the environment through interactions. Make the project interesting by adding some game elements to the projects.
  • 2. Space Exploration and Innovation: The galaxy is full of mysteries, and you are on a mission to explore unknown planets and discover new life forms using special tools. Design an interactive scene where your character uses innovative technology.

Topic - Theme selected in the previous round

  • State the problem statement/ theme clearly at the beginning of the presentation
  • State the solution and the steps taken to build the project
  • Both the participants should speak equally
  • Show and interact with your project on stage
  • Focus more on fine tuning and upgrading the project before the final presentation
  • Practice your speech beforehand. Speak with confidence.
  • Speak in a loud and clear voice
  • While performing, look at the audience and judges
  • Don’t be nervous; The goal is to have fun!
  • Don’t exceed the time limit

  • Creativity and Originality
  • Alignment with Theme
  • Interactivity and User Engagement:
  • Technical Skill and Coding Proficiency
  • Visual Design and Presentation
  • Educational Value and Message Clarity

steps to participate